Dear Local Church Pastor/Advisor,
Thank you for supporting the Ministerial Development Candidate/s in your care. Your role is vital to the entire process.

Every First District License and District License Renewal Candidate needs to submit this report annually by November 15th so they may be scheduled for an interview. Besides reflecting on your observations from the past year, please schedule 60 to 90 minutes of thoughtful time with your candidate/s discussing the (12) areas below. Your candidates will deeply appreciate the opportunity to receive helpful feedback and partner with you to create plans for their ongoing development.

*Please note that all district license candidates must have this completed by an ORDAINED Elder in the Church of the Nazarene who serves as their local church advisor. District Licensed lead pastors cannot serve as advisors in the ministerial process.

Question Title

* Name of Candidate

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* Name of Ordained Advisor

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* Advisor's Email

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* Clarity of Call – Candidates should be able to articulate growing clarity and certitude of their call to prepare for vocational ministry.

Describe how God has spoken to the candidate through Scripture or other means this past year.

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* Doctrinal Integrity – Candidate should demonstrate a growth in understanding and ability to convey core doctrinal issues.

Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate’s understanding of the differences between Wesleyan and Calvinistic theologies.

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* Describe the strengths and weaknesses of candidate’s ability to articulate Doctrine of Salvation, include comments on use of Scripture.

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* Describe the strengths and weaknesses of candidate’s ability to articulate what it means to be entirely sanctified, include comments on use of Scripture.

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* Churchmanship – Candidate should demonstrate a growing commitment to the local, district, and general church through faithful attendance, participation in development opportunities, acceptance of spiritual authority and in their public comments.

How have you seen the candidate develop in these areas?

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* Education – Discuss with the candidate their integration of education and ministry. For example: How is God using their education to inform their ministry right now? Does the candidate feel supported by their choice of school? Is the candidate able to engage in healthy study practices?

Share what you think is most helpful with the Board of Ministry below.

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* Jesus Formation ¬– Candidates must engage in healthy spiritual practices to minister from the overflow of their personal relationship with Jesus.

Describe the spiritual rhythms and means of grace practiced by the candidate.

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* Describe the candidate’s regular Sabbath practice.

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* In what ways does the candidate demonstrate a life devoted to prayer?

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* Financial Stewardship – Candidate should demonstrate a growing commitment to Biblical Stewardship and a personal financial lifestyle unhindered by consumer debt. What is the candidate’s debt load and plan to become debt free? Please also comment on progress from last year if applicable.

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* Spiritually Teachable – Candidate should demonstrate increasing humility and self-awareness. Discuss a situation in which the candidate encountered new personal truth about themselves this year and describe their reaction and growth (if any) as a result.

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* Ministry Effectiveness – Candidates should locate ministry where their personal gifts and strengths meet opportunity for Kingdom impact.

Describe the candidate’s current ministry.

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* How are people being spiritually formed because of this ministry? Are others drawn to participate?

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* In what way is the candidate demonstrating leadership and developing other Kingdom leaders through this ministry?

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* Ministry to Family – A pastor’s first ministry is to their spouse and children (if applicable) and family. The candidate should treat their family with love and respect in public and private. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate's current efforts to provide boundaries that prioritize and protect family from the demands of ministry.

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* Sexual Purity – Pastors, both men and women, are called to demonstrate lives of sexual purity in a broken world. Discuss and describe the accountability relationships and openness this candidate has to stay honest about their temptations and remain sexually pure in their singleness or marriage.

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* Conflict – Candidate should demonstrate progress and growing confidence in understanding Biblical teaching regarding addressing conflict and difficult issues. Ask the candidate about situations of conflict this year. Describe what they learned, what went well, and how they can grow. Mention any effort or training the candidate has undertaken to gain confidence in addressing conflict.

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* Communication – Pastors must be excellent communicators in person and via electronic and other means. They need to be clear, timely and gracious.

As candidates progress through the development process, they will have more and more opportunities to teach and preach. A two-way feedback loop after every opportunity will increase the growth potential of each opportunity.

Describe your observation of the candidate’s growth and effectiveness this year in teaching.

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* Describe your observation of candidate’s growth and effectiveness this year preaching.

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* Written communication e.g. email and texts to teams should also represent Jesus well. Describe the clarity of the candidate’s communication with teams and the congregation via email, text, or other forms of written communication. Is it grace-filled and appropriate?

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* Timeliness. Describe how well the candidate initiates and responds to messages (email/text/phone) in a timely manner. Evaluate how well communication flows through them or may be hindered by them. Note growth plans if needed.